All Business is Local

Selling into dozens of countries means clients searching for products and solutions in a wide variety of languages.

Reach your potential customers with our DRAGNET-Landingsites in their respective local language.

Fast. Easy. Focused.

What are DRAGNET-Landingsites?

Landingsites are a hybrid of Landingpages and Microsites.

The former tend to supply not much content but are fast und not very complicated to set-up.

Microsites on the other hand have more content about a specific product or solution but tend to be more complex and slower.

DRAGNET-Landingsites combine both worlds.

Lightning-fast websites with highly specific infomation in dozens of local languages.

Ideal for high rankings in local search engines your corporate website does not cover.

This is why DRAGNET is named after the age-old way of Seine fishing which is very efficient and without larger collateral damage to the marine ecosystem.

The Objective?

Page-one SERP rankings for your products and solutions with every local search query worldwide.

Fast. Simple. Secure.

Die DRAGNET-Landingsites reach your potential customers via more than 200 local edge nodes in below 100ms.

SSL and Web Application Firewalls are standard.

This means you normally achieve 100% at Google PageSpeed Insights.